Thursday, October 28, 2010

Easiest thing to do with lifelong learning

I tend to gather information as I go, anything that interests me is something that I readily pick up. I will research, read, watch and continue to learn about these things as I go.

Lifelong learning

Setting goals and making the best use of technology are always my downfalls. If I have an interest or it meets the needs that I have, I will make sure that I learn how to use it. The technology that doesn't currently impact on me - such as using a blog, is something that I haven't bothered with. I do use Facebook for example, but not often and I rarely post anything. I don't really like putting myself out there on the internet through blogs/facebook etc but I use the chat function quite readily for example.

Hi all

I have rearranged my blog to begin chatting to you all at the Library. The rest of the blog was put together for an assignment as part of my Librarianship. Don't bother to read it - it was pretty boring when I did it :)