Thursday, June 3, 2010

Essential knowledge, skills and attributes of an information professional in a web 2.0 world

Information professionals require a wide range of skills to remain competitive in the information literacy world. Both Library 2.0 and Web 2.0, with its highly interactive options allows library staff to remain committed to providing up to date information services that reflect the needs and desires of the users and almost instant feedback when service delivery fails to reflect the needs of the users. By making use of this feedback and interaction between staff and users, library staff need to:
- Provide up to date social networking technologies – blogs, wikis, instant messaging, sms, podcasts and maintain a presence on the major social networking sites such as Youtube and Facebook.

- Combine old technologies with the new – physical collections with online collections

- Provide information regardless of format

- Connect users to a range of technologies and the information that they require

- Use both traditional cataloguing methods and newer Library 2.0 methods such as cloud tags, tagging, RSS feeds etc

- Enhance the user experience by encouraging feedback, integration of services and interoperability

- Training is required into the new technologies so that staff are able to provide access for users in all manner of social networking technologies including Facebook, virtual worlds such as Second life, making videos for Youtube and podcasts – all to encourage and expand the user experience

- Provide information and resources in a timely fashion and allow quick turn around of the technology, information etc as user needs develop and/or change. Updating all information as required.

- Ability to think on their feet, change with new ideas and reflect back to the user what is presented to them

- Awareness that change is not a bad thing and encourage others to grow and develop

- Make sure that the old technologies and ways of doing things are utilised properly not simply discarded if nothing better has come along

- Research the best means of getting the information across to the users – which social networking technologies work best, which are accessed by the users

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